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10 Must Know Winter HairTips

Ladies and Gentlemen, I know this has been one harsh, windy, cold and brittle winter.   Here are a few tips that will sail you forward into Spring.

1. Limit heat styles and using heat tools excessively.

2. Trim your ends.

3. Use a gentle cleanser.  I prefer to cowash. 

4.  Use a leave in conditioner/moisturizer daily.

5. Use an oil to lock in or seal moisture.  I use olive oil or Argan oil.

6. Deep condition at minimum twice a month.

7. Limit wash and goes and extend the life of your style using twist outs and Bantu knot-outs.

8. Use protective or low manipulation styles during extreme temperatures. Tuck ends and cover hair and head while out in the winter elements.  Line your winter hat with a silk scarf.  This is no excuse to wear a bonnet in public. A SILK BONNET IS NOT A HAT.

9. Stay Hydrated.  Drink water and foods with high water content.  Eat balanced meals with a variety of good nutrients.

10. Never go to bed without a night routine or night scarf, bonnet or silk pillow case.